vineri, 20 septembrie 2013

Immortals (2011)

"All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine." [Socrates]
"When this world was still young, long before man or beast roamed these lands, there was a war in the heavens. Immortals, once thoughts incapable of death, discovered they had the power to kill one another. Lost in this war was a weapon of unimaginable power, the Epirus bow. The victors declared themselves Gods, while the vanquished were renamed Titans and forever imprisoned within the bowels of Mount Tartarus. Eons passed, mankind flourished and the great war receded from memory. But the evil that once was has reemerged."

"Old Man: Wheel that ax well, Theseus. Maybe someday we'll see you use the same determination to find a wife.
Theseus: You conspiring with my mother now?
Old Man: She worries about you.
Theseus: There's no need to worry about me.
Old Man: You know, being a warrior is not just being able to strike your opponent down with a sword. It's finding good reason to draw your sword in the first place.
Theseus: I draw my sword to protect those that I love.
Old Man: What about the others?
Theseus: The others turned their backs on me.
Old Man: The weak, the defenseless? Who's going to protect them?
Theseus: Careful, too much worry will make you an old man."

Theseus: Mother, your Gods are children's stories and my spear is not. And you know mother, it takes more than lighting candles to make babies. Besides, your priest wears a ridiculous hat.

Theseus: You are mad.
Old Man: No. Just tired. It's not living as such that's important, Theseus. It's living rightly.

Zeus: Yet as one of them, never as a God, only as his friend.
Athena: Why him?
Zeus: He does not fear danger, nor pain, defeat or ridicule. He fears only the failure to defend that which he holds so dear. His loved ones. If there is one human who could lead them against Hyperion, it would be Theseus. But it must be his choice.

King Hyperion: You are a defector, I understand.
Lysander: Yes, my king.
King Hyperion: I am not your king.
Lysander: But I wish you to be.
King Hyperion: But you are a traitor by definition, are you not? What would I want with a traitor in my midst?

King Hyperion: Do you have any children?
Lysander: Not yet.
King Hyperion: A man's seed could be his most brutal weapon for generations. Your people will stare into the eyes of their sons and they will see my likeness. I will be remembered in every glance, every smile, ever tear that is shed for eternity. But before your baptism, understand that you are not drawn here to my flame on instinct.
King Hyperion: You ran here because you are a coward. And the world does not need any more cowards. So I shall do this world a great favor, mark you as one of us.
King Hyperion: Enrich you with the ability to populate the earth. Traitor, although you will not hear them, your forefathers weep from their graves with the future of their bloodline ends with you here tonight.

Zeus: That maybe. But the Hellenic's have yet to adapt, and until they do...
Ares: Isn't it time to intervene, Zeus? How can you stomach baring witness to such atrocity whilst doing nothing?
Zeus: I obey the law. No God shall interfere in the affairs of man, unless the Titans are released. If we are to expect mankind to have faith in us, then we must have faith in them. We must allow them to use their own free will.
Heracles: And what if they unearth the bow?
Zeus: If any of you come to the aid of man or otherwise influence the affairs of mankind as a God, the punishment will be death.

Stavros: Who are they?
Dareios: The virgin oracles. The Heraclians must have found their temple. You don't know of them?
Stavros: I don't, but I wouldn't mind knowing 'em all for a night.

Phaedra: When cloudless skies thunder, stand fast (brave?).

Phaedra: Some people consider my visions to be a gift.
Theseus: A gift? How could it be considered a gift when you can see the future but you don't have the power to change it?

Theseus: Why would you do such a thing? You risked your life to save a complete stranger.
Phaedra: Only a faithless man would ask such a question.
Theseus: My mother was a woman of faith and her Gods were absent when she needed them most. As was I.
Phaedra: So we both mourn. You for what has past and...and I for what is to come.

Phaedra: What I see is only a glimmer of what may come to pass. Your actions and desire shape what lies ahead.

Phaedra: That future is not set.

Theseus: She was right. For all those years I doubted her. Doubted their existence.
Phaedra: Your mother's death was not in vain, Theseus. It was fate that brought you back for the bow. And in your hands, Theseus, it will bring Hellenic victory.

Phaedra: You were right, Theseus. My visions are a curse. I want to see the world through my own eyes, filled with my own heart and touch with my own flesh.

Lysander: Twenty five feet of marble stone, weighing over twelve tons. It was designed to be impenetrable, your majesty.
King Hyperion: Have you ever known a gate designed to be anything but?

Athena: In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons. Are we at war, father?

King Hyperion: Embrace me, Theseus. They will never give you a seat at their table, but you could sit at the head of mine. Long after this war is over, my mark will be left on this world forever. The sun will never set on my blood, Theseus. This is what I offer you. Immortality.
Theseus: Deeds are eternal, not the flesh.

Theseus: I don't know if I can do what Zeus asks of me.
Phaedra: By doubting one comes the truth, Theseus. The Gods chose well.

Theseus: Listen to me! Listen!
Soldier: Who are you to tell us what to do?
Theseus: I'm nobody to tell you what to do! I am Theseus, a common man! One of you! I share your blood and I share your fear, but to run now would offer our souls and the souls of our children to a terrible darkness!
Theseus: We must stand and fight! Their numbers count for nothing! Stand your ground!
Theseus: Stand your ground! Show them that we are not weak. Because they scar their faces and scar their bodies does not mean they're braver or stronger than we are! They are cowards! They hide behind their masks. They are human and bleed like you and I!
Theseus: Stand your ground! Fight for honor! Fight for the man beside you! Fight for the mothers who bore you! Fight for your children! Fight for your future! Fight so that your name survives! Fight for immortality!
Theseus: Let us write history in Heraclian blood!

Athena: Father! Don't forsake mankind.

Old Man: All men's souls are immortal, but the souls of the righteous are immortal and divine. Once a faithless man, Theseus gave his life to save mankind and earned a placed amongst the Gods. They rewarded his bravery with a gift, a son, Acamas.

Old Man: I knew your father. He was a very brave man. Soon it will be your time.
Acamas: My time for what?
Old Man: The fight against evil never ends, Acamas. War is coming to the heavens and your father will be there, fighting for your future.

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