sâmbătă, 29 iunie 2013

Educazione Siberiana (2013)

"Cine vrea prea mult, e nebun."

"Un om nu poate detine mai mult decat inima sa poate iubi."

"O vietate tinuta numai in cusca, moare."

"Dumnezeu ajuta cateodata o parte, si altadata, cealalta parte. Important e sa fii de parte potrivita la timpul potrivit."

vineri, 28 iunie 2013

3 Metros Sobre El Cielo

¿Has estado alguna vez a punto de tocar el cielo? 

- " - Estoy feliz.
     - Creo que yo más.
     - No, yo mucho más.
     - Yo de aquí a Barcelona.
     - Yo de aquí al cielo.
     - ¿Sí? Pues yo muchísimo más.
     - ¿Cuánto?
     - A tres metros sobre el cielo."

- "Y de repente te das cuenta que todo ha terminado. Ya no hay vuelta atrás, lo sientes, y justo entonces intentas recordar en qué momento comenzó todo y descubres que todo empezó antes de lo que pensabas... Mucho antes... y es ahí justo en ese momento cuando te das cuenta de que las cosas solo ocurren una vez, y por mucho que te esfuerces, ya nunca volverás a sentir lo mismo, ya nunca tendrás la sensación de estar a tres metros sobre el cielo."

- "Un día pasa, pasa que estás de pie en algún lado y te das cuenta de que no quieres ser ninguno de los que están a tu alrededor. No quieres ser el puto pringao al que le has reventado la cara. Ni tampoco tu padre, ni tu hermano, ni nadie de tu puta familia. Ni quieres ser la señora jueza. Ni siquiera quieres ser tú. Solo quieres salir corriendo. Salir a toda hostia del sitio en el que estás."

- "Cuando dejes de tener miedo empezarás a disfrutar."

- " - El día que te llamen a declarar, esta chica buena dirá que yo no hice nada, ¿sabes porqué?
     - ¿Por qué?
     - Porque ese día estarás tan loca por mí que harás lo que sea con tal de salvarme."

- "Ay Babi, Babi Babi soy un cerdo, un animal, un bestia, un violento pero te dejarías besar por mí."

- " - Ya quiero verte.
     - Estoy castigada, me pillaron al llegar a casa.
     - Así que no es una leyenda urbana. Aún se castiga a las niñas buenas que se portan mal, ¿no?"

- "Y de repente pasa, algo se acciona, y en ese momento sabes que las cosas van a cambiar y han cambiado. Y a partir de ahí nada volverá a ser lo mismo... nunca. Y de repente alguien que te dice: ¡tranquilo!, que aflojes, y cuando aflojas te das cuenta de las cosas."

- "Siempre hay un momento en que el camino se bifurca, cada uno toma una dirección pensando que al final los caminos se volverán a unir. Desde tu camino ves a la otra persona cada vez más pequeña. No pasa nada, estamos hechos el uno para el otro, al final estará ella, pero al final solo ocurre una cosa, llega el puto invierno."
The Great Gatsby (2013)

- "He was the single most hopeful person I've ever met." (about Gatsby)

- “Patience is like a stone. If you throw it away you will hit someone in the head.”
Spending my Time by Roxette

- "This silly game of love, you play, you win, only to lose."

- "Viata nu inseamna sa astepti furtunile sa treaca ci sa inveti sa dansezi in ploaie."

- "When nothing goes right, go left."

- "You must remember this: a kiss is just a kiss." Louis Armstrong - As Time Goes By
Restless by William Boyd

- "People only betray their country for three reasons: revenge, money and blackmail."

- "Never assume anything as a coincidence is a very important rule."
Sherry Argov

- "Atunci cand nu sunt foarte sigur cat de mult ma place, atunci totul devine o provocare."

- "Adevarul este ca barbatii deformeaza in permanenta adevarul si omit in mod strategic informatii cruciale pentru a avea cat mai multe avantaje de partea lor."
Marilyn Monroe

- “O femeie înţeleaptă sărută, dar nu iubeşte, ascultă dar nu crede şi părăseşte înainte să fie părăsită."

- "The life of the dead is placed in the memories of the living."
Oscar Wilde

- "If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you." 
 Emily Dickinson

- "Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality." 
Mark Twain

- "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
Richard Nixon

- "Always remember others may hate you but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them. And then you destroy yourself." - White House farewell speech
Winston Churchill

- "The price of greatness is responsibility."

- "If you're going through hell, keep going."
David Siegel

- "Everyone wants to be rich. If they can't be rich, the next best thing is to feel rich. And if they don't wanna feel rich, then they're probably dead."

Lance Armstrong

- "I've been better, but I've been a lot worse."
Omer Moav, Warwick University

- "Pretty women make men act like idiots!"

- "A recession when it happens to you, a deception when it happens to me."

- "Consider the intelligence of the average American."

- "US politics is all about a story. The story sometimes matters more than the policy/platform."
Adrian Nastase

- "Daca cineva iti cere un sfat este fie ca sa nu-l urmeze, fie ca sa aiba pe cine sa dea vina."
 Queen Rania Al-Abdullah of Jordan

- "I think we need to redraw the lines and realize that this battle is moderates against extremists. It’s not Christians against Muslims. It’s not West against East. It’s not Arabs against Americans ... And once we can really understand that, then we can start to fight the real enemy."

- "If men feel weak for a second, they then just want to feel powerful for a few hours." 

- "When a girl tells you you're not getting anything, before you even try you're getting some."

- "Her: Will you call me? Him: No! Her: Are you sure?"

- "Him: So when did you stop playing with me? Her: What makes you so sure I stopped?"
This Means War

- "Pain is the weakness that lives the body."

- "Don't choose the better guy. Choose the guy that makes you a better girl."

- "Do you think is possible to love two men equally? Love yes, but in love no."

- "What do you do when you don't know what to do?"

- "I don't believe in mistakes. Is the mistakes that make us who we are."

- "Sometimes falling is the best part."     
The Vow

- "I chose to stay with him for all the things he had done right, and not to leave him for the only thing he had done wrong. I chose to forgive him."

- "How can you look at the girl you love and tell her it's just time to walk away?"

- "Can I at least give you an awkward hug?"    
Holy Rollers

- "Relax, mind your own business and act Jewish."
The Education of Charlie Banks

- "You can have a head full of the best ideas, but if if you can't make the right moves in the world, they're worthless."
The Soviet Story

- "If the enemy doesn't give up, it must be exterminated." 
 Middle Men

-  "The problem is: when you fix one problem, there's always more."

-  "Do you realize you just attempted to blackmail a publicly elected state official? And it worked."

-  "Changing the world is a wild ride."
Spies of Warsaw

- "It is surprisingly how few secrets there are in our secret world."
Last Resort

- "What hurts us the most - that's our strength. That's what gets us through."

- "Never admit to being attacked unless you're willing to pay the price for your response."

- "Never bet more than what you are willing to lose."

- "Negotiation is theater."

- "Only an American would apologize for a kiss."

The Carrie Diaries

- "From chaos, even the impossible can become possible."

- "Sometimes you have to fake it in order to make it. After a while what was fake becomes truth."

- "Men are not good if they are not bad." 
 The Secret Circle

- "No time like the present.”

- "If you'd remember it, you'd miss it. And missing something is the worst part."

- "Discover who you are in the present and you might own your future."

- "I'm strong enough to choose not to do it."

- "When you have nothing to lose, that's the time to risk everything."

- "Never give in. Even if it feels like you've lost everything. And if you have to play dirty to protect your cause, then so be it."

- "There is nothing more powerful then fear."

- "Sometimes people do wrong things for the right reason."

-  "I'd rather fight than wait."

The Borgias    

- "Impossible loves... they can become an addiction."
 Beauty and the Beast

-  "Apparently I got myself into a yet another complicated non-relationship that I think is going somewhere only to discover it is going nowhere."

- "Making me talk with other women the whole night is a strange tactic but a memorable one."

-  "Waiting for the pain is worse than feeling it."
Game of Thrones

- "Never forget who you are, the world never will.... wear it like armour and it can never be used against you."

- “What we don’t know it’s usually what gets us killed.”

-  "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die."

-  "That moment I understood that I cannot win while playing by their rules. I knew I was not going to fight them, I was going to fuck them. That's what I know, that's what I am."

-  "Only by accepting what we are, we can get what we want."

- “Threaten me again and I’ll have you thrown into the sea.” “You may be disappointed in the results. The storms come and go, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on battling.”

- "The one true God is between a woman's legs."

- “What is dead may never die. But rises again stronger.”

- “Power resides where men believe it resides.”

- “A man without friends is a man without power.”

- “Hard truth cuts both ways.”

- “Moving carefully is the hard way but it's the right way.”

- “If you start thinking you know this place it will kill you.”

- “A crisis is an opportunity.”

- “Don’t trust anybody. Life is safer that way.”

- “The more people you love, the weaker you are. Love no one but your children.”


- "Caring only makes you weak. If they think you care, they'll walk all over you."

- "It is more important to win fairly than to win."

- "I don't play the odds, I play the man."

- "Those who've done wrong will get what's coming to them."

- "I thought you're against emotions. I'm against having emotions, not using them."

- "Sometimes the only way to move on is to try something new."

- "Sometimes, the good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay."

- "He's the gift that keeps on giving."

- "You're the guy that nobody wants but we can't get rid of."

- "A win is a win. It doesn't matter how ugly."
 Dallas (1978)

- "Well, why should I be subtle? Because the lack of it turns competitors into enemies and enemies into fanatics." 
Dallas (2012)

- "It's a rare and beautiful thing when enemies share the same enemy."

- "Let him think he has a chance. It will hurt even more when he loses."

- "Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans."

- He: "Are you high?” She: “Are you low?"

- "Being smart and sneaky is an unbeatable combination."
Pretty Little Liars

- "You're way too smart to play dumb."

- "Do you believe in love at first sight? The World must be a cynical place and I must be a cynical man thinking a woman like you would fall for a line like that. The thing is, it isn't a line so please... hear me when I say this: I have never loved anyone as I do you, right now, in this moment."

- "Just because you don't understand something it doesn't mean it isn't awesome." 
Lie to me

- "Never let the facts to get in the way of the truth."

- "He's harmless. He just always speaks the truth about what's on his mind. How do you call it again? Radical honesty."

- "Truth or happiness. Never both."

- "When looking for liars, you start from the top." 
Gossip Girl

- "Is the people you know best that you can hurt the most."

- "They say you're as good as the company you have."

- "The more they can't, the more they want to."

- "You played me with a fake kid? The kid is real, he's just not sick."

- "When you double-cross a double agent there's always double trouble."

- "The best way to avoid giving an answer is to avoid the question all together."

- "That's the problem with hired help. They'll work for anyone."

- "But sometimes showing you care means letting them go."

- "They say don't hate the player, hate the game, but when you invented the rules, losing really stinks."

- "I only want people around me who can do the impossible."

- "The sooner you go, the sooner you can come back."

- "Why do girls not understand the phrase: It was fun, I'm done?"