vineri, 28 iunie 2013

Game of Thrones

- "Never forget who you are, the world never will.... wear it like armour and it can never be used against you."

- “What we don’t know it’s usually what gets us killed.”

-  "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die."

-  "That moment I understood that I cannot win while playing by their rules. I knew I was not going to fight them, I was going to fuck them. That's what I know, that's what I am."

-  "Only by accepting what we are, we can get what we want."

- “Threaten me again and I’ll have you thrown into the sea.” “You may be disappointed in the results. The storms come and go, the big fish eat the little fish, and I keep on battling.”

- "The one true God is between a woman's legs."

- “What is dead may never die. But rises again stronger.”

- “Power resides where men believe it resides.”

- “A man without friends is a man without power.”

- “Hard truth cuts both ways.”

- “Moving carefully is the hard way but it's the right way.”

- “If you start thinking you know this place it will kill you.”

- “A crisis is an opportunity.”

- “Don’t trust anybody. Life is safer that way.”

- “The more people you love, the weaker you are. Love no one but your children.”

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